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What is Hypnobirthing?


Updated: Sep 8, 2021

It's fair to say the term Hypnobirthing is becoming more colloquial. Thanks to the likes of Meghan and Kate, ahem I mean the "Duchesses", they've put Hypnobirthing on everyone's radar.

While the media may have played it up, some articles will have ridiculed their birth choices, while others celebrated them, it's fair to say everyone has an opinion.

But what very few have, is first hand experience of real life Hypnobirthing techniques. With a journalist background I can assure you a great deal of media coverage is inaccurate, fabricated and misconstrued. Shocker!

So let me define "Hypnobirthing" for you. Here is my bitesize summary of the modern global phenomenon that is Hypnobirthing.

- Hypnobirthing is a birthing programme for women and their birth partners to prepare for birth.

- It looks at the female body, and how it is actually designed to give birth.

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- The theory is your baby and your body know what to do - all you have to do is relax.

- Hypnobirthing involves breathing techniques to help you relax.

- When your mind is relaxed, your body is relaxed. When your body is relaxed, your mind is relaxed. 

- Hypnobirthing evidence suggests a relaxed birth ends in a more positive outcome.

- If life throws a curveball Hypnobirthing gives you the ability to maintain control.

- A birth where you feel in control, no matter what turn your journey takes, is a positive birth.

- A good Hypnobirthing programme will educate you on 'choice'. It's your birth, your way. 

This summary merely touches the surface, but what people don't realise is there is a lot of science to Hypnobirthing. It looks out our brain, our hormones and our primal reactions - they're all designed for birth. What they're not designed for is society conditioning us into thinking birth is something to be feared. When we fear birth, that's when things can go wrong.

My courses teaches you to let go of fear, retrain your brain and ensure your body responds to birth in a favourable way. These are things you can control. Hypnobirthing teaches you skills you'll use long after your birth.

For more insight into what I teach why not book a Relaxation Taster Session? Get in touch here.

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