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Top 5 Podcasts for Mums


Updated: Sep 8, 2021

As if pregnancy and motherhood isn't challenging enough, along comes this crazy pandemic, which means life as we know it is going to become even more testing.

There's always talk about your village, your tribe, those mums that have your back. Yes, you're going to need these people, to fetch you things, offer moral support, especially if you do find yourself in self-isolating conditions.

But how will you keep yourself from going stir crazy if you're in a 14 day lockdown? Even just with some social distancing?

Here's some help...over the next few weeks I'm going to be sharing my favourite motherhood podcasts, films, netflix series and more. These are guaranteed to get you through the next few weeks.

It's all about staying connected virtually,making time for you, and keeping yourself sane. "Don't forget, Happy Mama, Happy Baby." So this week I'm kicking off with my Top 5 Mum Podcasts.

1. Fearne Cottons - Happy Place

This podcast series delves into delves into the subject of Happiness through chatting to inspiring individuals who have either made a change in their own lives or who help people every day to find a different way of looking at life. Some of her guests are mothers, some fathers, some neither - but they all offer excellent insight. One of my favourites is with child psychologist, Philippa Perry. A great listen, that makes you re-evaluate your happy.

2. Giovanna Fletcher

In a series of frank and warm conversations with other high-profile mums and dads, Giovanna Fletcher discusses all aspects of parenthood - the highs, the lows, the challenges and rewards. The general gist is - there's no such thing as a perfect parent. You're not alone ladies...tune in!

3. Scummy Mummy

This podcast is just downright hilarious.  This podcast is for the less-than-perfect parents - in an outrageous sense. Think Hollywood hit Bad Moms, but in podcast form. Comedians Helen Thorn and Ellie Gibson discuss a range of topics relevant to modern mums and dads, from culture and current affairs to farting and fish fingers. It's guaranteed to get some belly laughs.

4. Made by Mummas

This podcast covers all realms of motherhood; toddler sleeping, fitness and being a mum, feeding fussy get the jist. Hosted by TV & Radio Presenter Zoe Hardman and PR Executive Georgia Dayton, they bring their mummy blog to life as they discuss the baby brands they love, the products they swear by and the experiences they've been through during the first year and a half of motherhood.

5. Oprah - Soul Sessions

Does Oprah require an introduction? Her podcast is a collection of interviews with some pretty epic people. I love her podcast with Michelle Obama, Amy Schumer and surprising Lady Gaga. Tune in, and feel empowered.

I hope you enjoy them, let me know your favourites, and if you have any others, which aren't on my list.

Don't forget in these anxious times to practise some much needed relaxation. You can download my FREE Relaxation MP3 by following this link.

Stay safe and take care of your hands!



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