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Motherhood Tips - 7 Ways to Minimise Stress of Covid-19


Earlier this week the Royal College of Obsetricitians and Gynaecologists released guidelines on Coronavirus and Pregnancy.

Since then, a lot has changed, rapidly. Those guidelines are no longer available and I imagine they are being revised, as we learn more and more about the behaviour of this virus.

It's a worrying, uncertain time for us all. Especially for pregnant and new parents. It's more important, now more than ever, to be taking care of your mental and physical health.

So here's a little guide of some things you can do to minimise your stress levels.

1) Limit your exposure to the News

I used to work on a national newsdesk and I know all too well that the journalists will chase the dramatic headline. Because at the end of the day, that's what grabs attention, that's what sells, and as a result, that's what penetrates our thinking. Stop! This is negative hypnosis.

2) Trust Your Sources

Seek help and support from official NHSwebsites and. Take guidance from official advice given by Public Health England.

3) Some Questions Answered

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists have created this document which answers lots of questions surrounding Covid-19 and pregnancy. Read their guidance here.

4) Listen to Your Relaxation MP3s

On my hypnobirthing course you will have access to many MP3s. One of which  is the Cloak of Protection - this reinforces positive, confident thinking and shuts out negative - listen to this! Take time to sit down with all the MP3s and let your body and baby relax. It will send your body into a Thrive state, which is what you need right now. To download a FREE MP3 to feel Calm & Relaxed click here.

5) Enjoy some nesting

We all know now, that we are safer indoors. Enjoy some nesting time. Get everything ready for when baby is here or have a good tidy up. It's good to stay active and you know you'll feel good afterwards.

6) Batch Cook

While everyone is a frenzy stock piling all the carbs and long-life stuff why not buy some fresh healthy food. Make some of your favourite wholesome meals, divide it up into portions stick it in the freezer.

7) Story Storks

If there's one article that's going to give you some grounding and perspective on the situation, let it be this one. I read it this weekend and it's the most logical, unbiased reporting I've seen since things really kicked off. Read the article here.


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