Everyone wants to hold baby, but who's there to hold you? Before having your baby is worth thinking about who you've got around you, building your village and preparing yourselves for life as parents. Following on from my previous blog post, I'm here with a second instalment on how you can ease yourself into parenthood. Take note on things you and your partner can think about, discuss, and even do in advance to ease yourselves into your new roles as parents. Here's 8 ways things to consider on your postnatal journey...
•Batch cook and freeze food, ask visitors to bring you homemade dishes, get some delivered. You will need replenishing after birth, you may be breastfeeding so having nutritious food and plenty of water will help.
•Stock up on essential items for you before birth; maternity pads, your favourite hand cream or shower gel…
•Ask for gifts for yourself rather than a baby
•If you have other children, think about how they can be included, have you got activities ready to keep them entertained or maybe they might prefer some special one-to-one time with another family or friends
•Always have a stock of your favourite films, podcasts, series and music ready. These things can help you relax and nourish your mood
•Chocolate is always your friend – this is no time to diet
•Remember your midwife is always on hand if you have any concerns or worries about yourself or your baby
•And I’m here, and can sign post you to the right place, if you need support.
Check out this lovely infographic which focuses on postpartum life, what's important and what's not!

Take note Mamas and be kind to yourselves. You learn how to do this and more on my Hypnobirthing Course. For more information on all my upcoming courses, click here.
To get started on all that Relaxation how about downloading your FREE Relaxation MP3 to enjoy at home. All you have to do is sign up to The Birth Easy Club and you'll be the first to receive offers, news and all things bump and baby related.
I've got you! Georgia x
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