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Hypnobirthing is not a luxury, despite what people may think...


Updated: Sep 8, 2021

Typically, when couples learn they're expecting a baby, they become consumed by an ever-growing shopping list.

So much time and thought is put into which pram to buy, the best car seat on the market, what colour to decorate the nursery.

Yes, these are all super exciting, but how much time and preparation have you put it into your birth?

There seems to be an attitude that a hypnobirthing course is a luxury, an added expense but not a necessity.

But let me tell you this:

Self care is not a luxury. It's a necessity.

Going on a hypnobirthing course is not only taking care of yourself, it's taking care of your baby and taking care of your birth partner too.

Recently I have seen so many second time parents where the dads are the ones traumatised by birth. It's not a journey just for mums.

On my hypnobirthing course you will learn the physiology of birth and the impact of fear. You will learn how your body and baby are designed to birth and what happens when you let fear get in the way.

We will then teach you and your birth partner techniques to overcome that fear. Ultimately, relaxation is the antidote to fear.

We will also explore your birth plan an your birth wishes. This is a simple way you can take care of yourself, your baby and your birth partner. Self care prevents health care. By taking care of yourself, preparing a good birth plan and going into it informed and confident you'll be able to take control.

And guess what?! So will your birth partner. We will guide them on how they can take control and support you. We detail specifics, it's all written down. So you, your baby and your birth partner can work together as a team, even before baby has arrived.

Women who overlook birth preparation are likely to go into the process anxious, fearful, without the tools to take control.

It's no surprise then, that these women end up having a negative birth experience which stays with you for life. Some women even find that this is the trigger that sadly sends them into a state of postnatal depression (PND).

Studies in 2008, 2007, 2004 and 1991 have recognised that your labour experience, whether "good" or "bad", has great implications for your psychological well being and relationships with family.

That is why it is absolutely crucial that you prepare for birth, to take care of you and your new family.

Self-care through Hypnobirthing is not an expense, it is an investment.

Be ready motherhood! Join my Hypnobirthing Course today. For more information on all my upcoming courses, click here. To get started on all that Relaxation how about downloading your FREE Relaxation MP3 to enjoy at home. All you have to do is sign up to The Birth Easy Club and you'll be the first to receive offers, news and all things bump and baby related. I've got you! Georgia x

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It's fair to say the term Hypnobirthing is becoming more colloquial. Thanks to the likes of Meghan and Kate, ahem I mean the "Duchesses", they've put Hypnobirthing on everyone's radar.

One of the biggest misunderstandings of hypnobirthing is that it is for women wanting a natural, pain-free, birth.

While that's true to an extent, hypnobirthing is so much more than that. Hypnobirthing can help any mother prepare for her birth, regardless of what birth she will have, and yes, that includes c-sections.

One of my biggest pet peeves as a Birth Educator is hearing stories from dad and birth partners who rendered themselves "useless", "a spare part" as they "watched from the side lines" while loved ones agonise through labour.


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