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How I Change The Way You Perceive Birth


Updated: Sep 8, 2021

Image taken by photographer Kali Norton @kalinorton

There's that famous quote by Marie Mongan - one of the most prolific hypnobirthing instructors out there...

"When you change the way you perceive birth, the way you birth will change."

Damn right!

On my Birthing Programme, hypnosis utilises the natural state that we go into every day...the state of trance. Every time you focus on something, become engrossed by it, like a good film, book, tv show, you're entering a state of trance. Yep! And the same goes when you're daydreaming, drifting off to sleep or waking up. 

In a trance state you are not fully alert nor are you fully asleep. You're aware of your surroundings yet you're giving all your attention to your inner thoughts. 

When we are fully conscious and aware we have a critical factor of the brain that acts as a filter. This filter acts on our belief system, we use it to analyse incoming information. But when we move into the state of trance it becomes side tracked and we become open to suggestions. Hello new thinking!

It's important to know, both positive and negative new ways of thinking can be established at this point. Think about it - there's a tonne of negative hypnosis around us - in tv shows, films, books, everywhere. Every time you hear a horror story you're drawn back to the image you have in your head. And, well, you've guessed it...the more you hear it, the more real it becomes. You believe childbirth is awful.

Think about it - there's a tonne of negative hypnosis around us - in tv shows, films, books, everywhere.

But on my birthing programme I change these outdated beliefs. I put you into a trance-like state to absorb new ways of learning and develop new ways of thinking. Clients leave me excited about their birth, rather than anxious. 

And here's the great thing, once your mind has shifted, inevitably your body will too. With a positive mindset, your physical response to labour will be much more favourable. 

Your blood will be flowing effectively, which means your muscles will work efficiently. If you're calm going into birth your breathing will be calm and your heart rate will be normal.

On top of that, I teach you how to become an expert in relaxation. You basically have to sit and listen to relaxing music and someone saying a tonne of positive stuff about birth, it's that easy! And I haven't even touched on all the practical hints and tips!

And here's the great thing, once your mind has shifted, inevitably your body will too.

So with some educating from me, and some practise from you, you and your birth partner can have a positive birth experience armed with a wealth of tools to feel in control on the big day, no matter what path your birthing takes.

Kinda cool isn't it? If this sounds like something you're interested in, or if you'd like to share it with a friend or family member, here's a link to my upcoming courses.

I'm always here to answer questions and enquiries. Please get in touch

And if there's just one thing you'll take away from today let it be this; it's mind over matter Mama! You've got this!



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