Do you want to take control of your birth experience?
Knowledge is Power!
My courses empower you to birth confidently and fearlessly.
My group sessions are taught Face-to-Face and via Zoom, from my home to yours.
For Private Sessions, these can be in my home, your home or via Zoom.
I teach science based, evidence-backed hypnobirthing principles. I am fully insured and my training is accredited by the Royal College of Midwives.
You will complete the course feeling confident & prepared for the birth of your baby.

Paid Time off Work for Classes!
Don't forget you are entitled to paid time off from work to attend antenatal classes, if they have been recommended by a doctor or midwife. Also, the birth partner/father has the right to unpaid time off work to attend 2 antenatal appointments. Find out more at
More than one couple interested?
Learn together with friends at my place or yours. Enquire about private sessions.
If you don't find a time or session that suits you, get in touch. I offer a personal and flexible service & can tailor sessions to meet your needs. Your comfort is my priority.
Georgia x
This 8 hour life-changing course for mother & birth partners, gives you all the tools to birth positively. I will ensure you go into birth fearless, calm and confident. Birth should be an empowering experience. Here's what you get:
8 hour course - taught over 4 sessions
You will learn:
Relaxation & Hypnobirthing
Breathing Techniques
Bonding with Baby
Writing an Awesome Birth Plan for all scenarios
How to Prepare Physically for Birth
The Importance of the Birth Partner's Role
Birth Partner Guidance on How To Support Mum
Birth Positions
Soothing Strokes & Massage Techniques
And LOTS more!
Guided practise during class to become a Master of Relaxation
My ongoing, personalised support, up to your birth
The Wise Hippo Programme Handbook
8 Relaxation MP3s
Access to a Library of over 90 videos from midwife talks, to real life hypnobirths to breastfeeding classes
Practise and Preparation Diary
A goody bag packed with gifts for mother and baby.
Perfect for parents wanting to practise the techniques during the course with ongoing guidance and support.
You will become a master of relaxation; a powerful skill that you can use in all aspects of life, not just for Birth. Invest in yourselves... selfcare prevents healthcare!
Group Sessions: £250
One-to-One Sessions: £495 - dates & times to suit you