Why is Breech considered to be dangerous?Until the year 2000, breech babies were birthed normally. In 2000 a study called the Hannah Trial reached its conclusion. The findings of...
Hypnobirthing is for C-sections too...One of the biggest misunderstandings of hypnobirthing is that it is for women wanting a natural, pain-free, birth. While that's true to...
When to make your way to hospital.Without a doubt the most common question I get from new mums is: "How do I know when I'm ready to go to hospital?" There are many signs...
What is Breech position?Until you get to the last stages of pregnancy, as a new mother you don't give much thought for your baby's position, well I didn't...
What is an Apgar Score?If this is your first pregnancy or your first time on an antenatal class you may hear folk talk about The Apgar Score, and wonder what...
Sonny's Birth StoryAt 34 weeks the baby was diagnosed breech (not ideal for a hypno birthing Mama) but worse things could happen, I know! My first son...
What is a Gentle C-section? I've had a lot of questions gentle c-sections recently. Many of you haven't even heard of it, and if that's you, that's okay. Neither had...
Let's Talk Estimated Due DatesDo you know what percentage of babies come on their Due Date? Go on, take a guess.... It's 5%. That's right! That means a whopping 95%...